Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Does prayer really change "things" or people?

How powerful do you think prayer really is? Do you believe all the prayers in the world can change the plans God has already made for you? Can it turn the dead to life, the blind to see, the lame to walk,a gay person straight, or an atheist to believe? OR does is just give us the power to accept what God has put in our path and help us see a different side of things?
I have read "The Power of a Praying Woman for her kids" (by Stormie Omartian) and I ask myself if I believe my prayers will actually change the events or actions in my kids lives or just change ME into never giving up hope that they will walk with the Lord? Will they live a life of love, joy, peace, faith, kindness, gentleness, and self control? I can hope and wish but it really is up to them and their personal walk.
We only have control of our attitude about life and how we react to what God puts in front of us and to be able to increase our appreciation for God's grace that is our there for us to grab and from that, gain wisdom to hopefully share with those who will listen.
As I lay down at night to say my prayers - do I pray that someone from cancer will be healed - or that that person will have the strength to endure what God has in store for them and to have faith in His love that HE is in control!
If He already knows us so well, down to the number of hairs on our heads, wouldn't His plans already be in place??
If I pray that my friend or family member will get a job and if he/she does are my prayers answered? If they don't are they not answered?? Not sure. I guess I can only pray that God will come into each persons heart and that they will be open to listening to God's voice in what they are to do.
Yes prayer can be powerful -
but I believe mostly it will change the hearts and souls of the people and not necessarily the events planned for us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Being happy, grateful, and having God's grace....

My Outpost reading....PSALM 100

Make a joyful noise all ye lands
Worship the Lord with gladness
Come before Him with joyful songs
Know that the Lord is God
It is He who made us and we are His
We are His people, the sheep of His pasture
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise
Give thanks to Him and praise His name
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever
His faithfulness continues through all generations

I cannot recite from memory any quote from the Bible
I am amazed at the people who can.
My middle son,Paul, learned this psalm when he was 5 and it has always stuck with me
Aside from him being as cute as ever trying to pronounce the words,(& yes we have it on video!), he didn't really understand the meaning....but to me it was a clear instruction of what we are to do -
and that is to obey God. This is a blueprint to teach us how to worship God joyfully and be thankful.
Singing is a way to make a joyful noise. It can provide unity in the hearts of people involved.
I have always enjoyed music and singing - even though I don't have a show voice! God doesn't care how good our voice is!
It brings joy to my heart and singing with others can give me a feeling of fellowship. God truly wants us to be happy and enjoy all he has given us!
Also if we listen to His voice - it is only a result of the training provided by Him and His continuous loving kindness towards us that we are able to change our behaviors and become better people
We must continue to obey, worship and praise God throughout our lives - even in the most challenging times.
That is when he hears our prayers even more! Why? Because he knows that we have faith in Him and that we will trust Him to help us get through our hard times
Keep your eyes and your heart on God - always!
Make a joyful noise all the earth! God made us all - He is not prejudiced to one group on people
Just as a son is his mother's...we are God's own. Therefore give thanks!!
Author Dennis Prager writes in his book "Happiness is a serious problem" that there is a secret to happiness and it is gratitude.
All happy people are grateful and ungrateful people cannot be happy.
We tend to think that is is being unhappy that leads people to complain, but it is truer to say that it is complaining that leads to people becoming unhappy. Become grateful and you will become a much happier person!"
Enter God's gates with thanksgiving...it is good to give thanks to the Lord but not because God needs it - but because WE need it.

It was a very inspiring meeting today at Outpost and the speaker we had spoke of Gods grace - how it is free to only those who are weak. I tend to believe that for the most part but I believe that God's grace is there for the taking for us all - whether we even realize it or not! He is constantly present in our lives and wants what's best for us but we have to be cognizant of his presence to get the full benefit from it. We need to be aware of the "religion" of God and not the "religion" of our agenda for being a mom, wife or an employee or whatever. And in that respect we need to "weaken" ourselves or empty ourselves of our control of things and let his grace shower us with to love He feels for us. Life is precious and goes by so fast that we all need to take time to reflect on the goodness and be grateful for all that we have....then we can be truly happy! God bless!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Graduation, Family vacation and Outpost

Well, we've made it through our 3rd and final child (daughter) graduating from college!! What a great feeling! There is definitely a sense of pride in knowing we were able to work hard and be able to put our 3 children through college and get them started on their careers! It certainly wasn't always a smooth ride, but we've learned a lot through the process! Now the job search begins which is another bridge to cross! But I feel that God will lead her in the right direction as long as she is open to listening! That is always the key!
We then ventured on a family vacation....yes all 5 of us for the first time in about 8 years!! Usually my oldest son isnt able to join us because of his travels with his entertaining work, but this year it worked out and it was so much fun! We did a little white water rafting, beaching, boating, and kayaking , but most of all we got to be together! It was really fun to see my adult kids act like kids again and to enjoy each others company! It will definitely be one to remember and who knows when that opportunity will come again. Carpe Diem!!

There is an organization in Newtown, Ohio called Outpost which is "a gathering of women committed to encouraging, motivating, challenging, and developing our walk with Jesus. Whether you are a life-long follower of Christ or still unsure of your relationship with Him, these gatherings will point you in the right direction."
I went to my first one a few weeks ago and it was wonderful! There is a mix of song, testimony and scripture reading for 1 1/2 hours and an amazing group of very welcoming women there! I have been asked to read a scripture and give my insight for what I pick next week . Now understand that I am not a public speaker and have NEVER really done anything like this before but - HEY - this is all about stepping outside of the box a little.....ok a lot... and see what great inspiring, MEANINGFUL things come my way!
I will write more about it after I have presented and see what happens!

Monday, May 10, 2010


There were days when I was tired of being a mom. LONG days of shelling out commands like "pick up your stuff", "stop fighting", "your in time out", and "GO TO YOUR ROOM"! I thought I would never get to the day when I wouldn't have to manage everything they did.
And now I find myself on a slippery downhill slope towards the finish line and it is bittersweet.
Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up".
We have definitely reaped a harvest of 3 wonderful beautiful grown up children and it is so comforting to watch them become the adults that we always hoped they would be. All of those silly things that we got so upset about really don't much matter now. It's funny, now, to think back over some of the things they did and I hope I can keep that perspective. Oh sure, there are still days that I feel disheartened, but I am so glad that we did not give up on them! We are all just "works in progress" in God's eyes and He never gives up on us, even when we turn away from Him. Unconditional love........from God and from Mothers.
I hope all the moms out there had a great day with their kids and for those who couldn't be with theirs.....I hope the memories and thoughts of days past comforted them. We did good.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Coincidences or divine intervention?

Many times people have happenings in their lives that they chalk up to coincidences. I wonder if they aren't really messages from a higher place. This past week I have encountered small but enlightening moments that has made me feel the power of God's presence. You tell me....coincidence or divine intervention?

As I left bible study last week I was struggling for a message to send to my fellow women since I am the person who sends out the emails for prayer requests and usually add some kind of message or quote to stick with them through the week. I usually always get something through other emails or readings but this week nothing was coming. But a song kept getting into my head about being hungry for the Lord and I realized that we had been talking about the power of song to praise God so I figured I was to send this song out to the others which I did.
I also encountered a young man trying to collect funds for people struggling with addiction and how he was transformed a few years ago through the power of God and is now studying to become a nurse! Since that is my profession I figured he was sent to me for a reason! Of course I had to give him a donation which he was very grateful.
That weekend I went to a luncheon/study on Women of Faith and there was 3 women who sang a few songs to which none of them I recognized but wondered about. The second was one about ...
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path.
The jist of the speaker that day was to walk in faith 
and not in 
sight - to trust God in knowing that you 
make the plan but He directs your feet.
As I was driving home after that, I was listening to a 
book on 
tape from Amy Grant called "MOSAIC"
 (which by the way is a great read!) and at the end of 
one of her 
readings the music started to play and it 
was the same song - her song "Thy Word"! 
When I feel afraid, And think I’ve lost my way. Still, 
you’re there right beside me. Nothing will I fear As 
long as you are near; 
Please be near me to the end.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path.
I will not forget Your love for me and yet, My heart 
forever is 
wandering. Jesus by my guide, And hold me to your 
side, And I will love you to the end.
Coincidence or God's message to me to trust in Him and he 
will teach me???
As I always pray about my childrens lives - I was also directed 
to books that day to help me pray
 for them and the decisions they make and for God 
to help me put it in His hands and not to 
worry. A quote I heard was " Worrying is like sitting 
in a 
rocking chair....you dont get anywhere 
but it  gives you something to do!" How true! I will
 try not to 
waste my energy on worrying and
place it in God's hands!
If we open our hearts and minds to Jesus and spend some 
quiet moments trying to hear 
his voice - he will give us the message! It might not always be 
the one that we want to
hear though! That is where true faith comes in.....I 
am learning to hold my tongue unless it 
is requested and it eventually I am able to get my 
point across - even though it might not be at 
the moment I want! He will tell me the time! It is an 
challenge though..........

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A month has gone by since I have returned from Belize! It is still fresh in my mind but life goes on and new adventures await! I have been going to Bible study weekly and we are studying the power of a praying woman. Prayer can be such a comforting feeling knowing that God is listening! We might not always get the answer we were hoping for but I do believe that there is a reason for whatever happens....the hard part is - we just may not know the reason until days,months or years later! The important thing is to have hope. I have sooo many hopes for different things! First, I always hope that my family is safe from harm. Secondly I hope that they are happy! I pray daily that my son Jeff is able to fulfill his dream of being on Broadway! I pray my other son Paul finds a job that he is excited to get up everyday for! I pray that my daughter Maggie focuses on her future and does everything in her power to make her marketable for the job world in 3 months! But I also pray that they are Godly people and that there are good strong faithful people that cross their paths daily. I pray that my husband Mike and I stay healthy enough to enjoy our second half of the century we are living! We have had such a wonderful life so far and I am so blessed to have him to share it with!As far as adventures........We took a short weekend trip to Norris lake for Valentines day ! We have great friends that are willing to share it with us and it was a very relaxing time. It is so peaceful there and the air seems fresher!The following weekend we went to Charlotte NC to visit friends and watch XU basketball get another win from Charlotte! Charlotte is a nice clean town that seems newer than Cincy and it didnt hurt that the sun was out and the temperature was 6o*!! What a great way to spend my 54th birthday! Going back to work gave me a different perspective after seeing how Belize had so little. We waste so much but we have all the latest equipment to do the best we can for our people. So which is better? Wasting less but not having as much or the alternative? I would find it hard to believe that people would vote the alternative! Maybe the "going green" society would be the only ones! Until their day comes to have surgery!

Friday, February 5, 2010

WE ARE HOME!!!! Boy is it good to be back! We all cheered when the plane landed in Cincy but then we all moaned when we got off and felt the cold air! Oh well it is February after all!
After a long day of travel we all made it back safe and sound and it was nice to see our loved ones meet us as we arrived. I will never forget this trip and hope to continue to do God's work in many ways in the future. I hope to get all my pics together on a disc in the next few weeks (I tend to get obsessed with this until its done and everything else lacks behind!). I will share with anyone who is interested so just let me know! Thanks for following and stay tuned for new adventures in the day in the life of me!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Woke up early this morning and so did MP - she had a headache and nauseated! Oh no!! Not today! So without going into details she was able to upchuck and thought she was gonna be ok but no.....so I went up to breakfast and to look for a doc to get some meds! Fortunately I was able to find some and she miraculously got somewhat better so she wouldnt miss out on our last day! Even though she wasnt 100% at least she still got to go to the beach and relax some.
After breakfast we left for the little airpot here and took about a 12 seater plane over to San Pedro. It was a beautiful day and perfect for flying! I thought I would be scared but it was pretty cool and very smooth! Once we got there a lot of the people went snorkeling and snuba-ing on a tour but we just wanted to chill so after walking around a bit we settled on some beach chairs by the water and i read and MP slept. Ann and Cindy talked. It was heavenly! There was a nice breeze and a great time to refresh!
We were supposed to meet at a restaurant called Fido's (pronounce fee-doz) so we headed there. I had a wonderful Bailey's colada and a snapper fish sandwich - delish!!! THen we decided to walk around and shop a little. It was nice not to have a schedule to follow and just veg!
We took the plane back about 4 and shoered up and now I am here enjoying the sunset and waiting for dinner on the beach! We are having a barbecue which should be wonderful - I just hope the mosquitos arent too bad! I cant wait to see everyone - it seems longer than a week! Miss you all!

A frustrating day

Tried to find the rooster this morning to take a picture but no luck!! We really dont have much time at the hotel before we leave-by the time we shower ,eat, catch up on emails and have devotions its time to go! I have been rising early as usual but it still seems to go fast!
Today was our last day of service and I have to admit I am spent! In one of our first meetings about coming to Belize , they handed out journals and on the first page they pasted a penny with the words, " For we are God's workmanship or masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do". We are pennies in God's hands - spend us in whatever way He chooses.....well he certainly did that!I have emptied my cup! Amy said it well this morning at devotions when she talked about when your cup is filled there is not enough room for God to fill in with his love, desires, and hopes so you need to empty or filter out some once in awhile to make room for the new!
I have given what I had to give and now I am ready to fill up with new adventures and ways to serve Him. I miss my family a lot and I cant wait to see them so that is first priority when I get home!
But for today - we had one more day to finish our work here in Belize. It was a very frustrating day because we had had 2 ORs to work in on Sat. and Sun. and had things pretty much running smoothly and then emergencies came up and the regular crew had to take over one of the ORs! That made us fall behind and we had to put all our surgeries in one room and alternate teams. We did a lot more sitting and waiting which is always hard when you want things to work like clockwork. But this mission is all about improvising and being flexible so we tried to keep plugging on. As it turned out we had to cancel 3 of the surgeries and have them come next week wehn the 2nd mission crew will be here because it was getting too late. It was sad that those people had to come a long way and wait just to be told it will have to be another time. But there was only so much we could do!
We finished up about 6:00 or so and said our goodbyes to all of the wonderful staff there and took down contact info from them so we could send them things throughout the year. They need so much!
It was 5 o'clock somwhere and much later than that when we reached Tony's! We had a few drinks, ate some fajitas and I did some blogtime - then off to bed about 11:30. We are all looking forward to our fun day in San Pedro tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A different world

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride an amusement park ride for about 2 hours straight? Well our trip to the Mennonite village was kinda similar to that! Our whole group (40 plus people) took all the vans south to Little Belize for an adventure to another way of life! We had to take 2 small ferrys on the way - that were powered by a hand crank! Then a very long bumpy ride throught the country. You thought our pot holes were bad...I have not experienced anything this bad! But the ride was enjoyable seeing lots of things along the way! You could tell when we were approaching Mennonite country because all of the fields were very neatly manicured and there were fields and fields of pinto beans growing (and by the way they pick those all by hand!!!!!!!!)
We arrived at the clinic with several buggys parked outside and people waiting in line. We took a quick tour of the immaculately clean inside and then we began to unload and set up for the day. We brought a lot of our supplies because we didnt know what we were going to incur. The visits began with the family docs and then they would send them to the surgeons if necessary to either schedule a surgery at the hospital the next day or perform a minor one there in the clinic. They had several rooms that were equipped with beds, a pharmacy, and a back room that had a delivery table and a bassinette for the baby. It was there that we performed some small surgeries. It seemed to go really well - but most of the Mennonites speak German so there was a language barrier but fortunately there were interpreters for us!
The clinic was run by a doctor named Abrahm who lived in the house next door. He was a lot of fun to listen to and very accomodating to us and very grateful we were all there.
The kids were so adorable in ther classic outfits! Even though they couldnt speak English - their faces told us a lot! The worship team had brought some crayons and books and some bubbles and small toys to give to them and it was such a joy in my heart to see their faces light up with the simplest things! One young man about 6 years old came up to me to get some bubbles and he had a smile that would melt your heart! He got so excited to see how the bubble wand worked and it kept him entertained for quite a while!
I was asked to do some ear washings on several people that had some bad ear wax build up. I had never done that before but after being shown what to do by Laura (another nurse), she said it can be quite painful and noisy and the kids hate it. Well there is something about those children unlike most of the children we see in the US. You could tell they were apprehensive but they sat there diligently as they were told and hardly flinched. It was after I was done that some tears would fall. Broke my heart!!! But it did a world of good for them so I knew it was necessary
After things slowed down for awhile I began talking to one of the young interpreters named Henry. He was 16 and a very insightful and mature young man. He had no qualms about opening his heart and thoughts to me and I had a lengthy conversation with him. He was born in Canada and lived there for 6 years and then moved to Belize. That's how he knew English and he thought he didnt speak it very well but I had no problem understanding him
His story was intrigung because he really would rather be living in Canada. He has 6 brothers and 2 sisters and one of his brothers lives in Canada and he went there last summer to work. He would get $30/hour up there and only $4 in Belize! He also doesnt really agree with the Mennonite philosophy but is commited to his father and the family. If they leave the country and their home and move away it is considered a sin in the community.
He would love to go to college up there and his boss there even offered to pay but his dad refused. At 16, he says he sometimes drinks with his buddies, and I also saw him smoking and told him it was bad for him. He usually drinks rum and cokes but not too much because he doesn't like to get so drunk that he gets angry or fights or can't remember the next day what he did! He has also tried pot but says he doesn't like the way it makes his heart feel.
He doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one! He doesn't always go to church because he says there is no love felt there - that the preacher is always talking about how the boys are bad and never about bettering yourselves and how to be a better person. And he never talks about the girls and Henry says the girls sometime drink more than the boys!
I asked if he believed in God and he said "Oh yes, - I would be nowhere without God."
I wished him well before we parted and told him to have faith that God would lead him to where he was to go in his life. I am so glad I was able to meet this young man and I will pray for him!
Soon afte we packed up and headed back for a wild (and I mean WILD!) ride home.
Ric was driving and gets a kick out of trying to see how fast he can fly over those pot holes. I on the other hand feel like I need to be in traction from all the banging around in the back of the van! At least he bought us a pina colada when we got back to Tonys!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Today was a much smoother day because we knew what to expect and were a little more prepared for things. It was more of the same surgeries for us - we had about 15 for both rooms. There were some difficult moments but all in all things went well! We were fed again by Lupe and Mary Pat and I had a nice chat with her at lunch - what a sweet lady!
I am really too tired to writ much else! Tomorrow we go to the Mennonite village which will be a nice break from the last 2 days! Hopfully I will be able to report more tomorrow! Miss you all!


We all have our strengths, our gifts from God. A lot of those gifts were tested and used today as we began doing what we were sent to do down here in Belize.
John's leadership and calming force among us is very comforting - knowing someone always "has your back"! Dana's ability to spread the Word and put it in practical terms for all of us to understand sets the tone for the day and Lynn's gift of voice soothes us!
We set out for the hospital after breakfast and devotions about 7:30. Not knowing what to expect we were all a little excited and anxious about what was to come. Let me just tell you - these old legs have not worked this many long hours in a long time but they somehow made it through! And of course I left my support socks in the van because I used them to plug up a hole in the van's vent that was broken to keep the artic cold air from blowing on me! haha
Our OR team consisted of Mary pat, myself, Dr Devore and Ann and the other team was Jan, Mona, Dr Welker and Dr helmick. We got the ball rolling with a cute little 15 mos old for PE tubes. As we left mom at the door, i thought it doesnt matter what country you are in - the love of mother and child knows no boundaries.
Things are very different (to say the least) doing surgery here and you definitely have to go with your gut and use whatever resources you have! Luckily most of our cases did not need optimum sterility and we did the best we could keeping a "clean" environment. We missed our blanket warmer though! the rooms are very cold and their was only about 4 blankets in the whole department! so we used those for the kids. We had to use OR linen drapes to cover the adults! The Beletian people are very stoic though and it didnt seem to phase them like it would us! They all walked into the ORs and only adults left on stretchers.....babies left in our arms.
Ann did an amazing job with anesthiesia, considering she had no gas monitors, just an oximeter, BP and sometimes the EKG even worked!!
Kevin Devore is making a documentary for film school so he was there filming as much as he could tolerate. Never seeing his dad work before he wasnt sure how his stomach would take it but he did very well. Renee Welker (docs daughter)was taking photos for the general blog and hung in there with us to the very end!!
Lupita had lunch for us - chicken tamales wrapped in plaintain leaves which were very spicy, some said they loved them but mine and John H's were full of bones! But the chocolate cake was a God send!!!
As the day went on we certainly go our rhythmn and things went well. The other team ended with a hemi-thyroidectomy and it was taxing for them to do it at the end of the day. The set up (back table etc) was like non I've ever seen since I started 30 years ago!
We left the hospital about 9:45pm! Ric D picked up a case of Belikin beer and YES I did drink a beer! It was a fun ride back - a van of 15 very tired people chatting about the day!
We got to Tony's Inn @ 10:30- they saved us dinner for those who wanted it - I opted for some delicious homemade vanilla ice cream - a quick check of email and into bed! I was exhausted! I know that rooster will be calling too soon tomorrow!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Screening Day

After much needed sleep I woke about 4:30 (stillCincy time) and heard the rooster crowing outside! The sun wasn't even upyet! didnt seem to wake Mary Pat though! But we were up and going to breakfast by 6:30.They had some scrambled eggs, refried beans, toast, juice and coffee
John & Dana led us in some morning devotions out on the deck with the sun shining on us! It was a beauiful morning and a good way to hear God's word to sset us in t the proper frame of mind. We had a few songs to sing led by Lynn who has a wonderful voice, and then we were back
in the vans for our journey to the hospital.
We started unloading all of our supplies and we went to work sorting everything and getting the OR's ready for tomorrow
They havea2ORs and things were pretty scarce. We had an abundant supply of things to give and betwsurgeryscheduleeen Jan, Mona, Andy, and I we separated,sorted,stacked,and organized most all of it! MaryPat was taken hostage to set up the surgery schedule with the surgeons.
I talked to a few of the workers from surgery and they didnt have any surgeries today-but were supposed to do a total
hip but the patient cancelled! I would have LOVED to see that!We are so fortunate with all that
we have and the fact that they could do that with so little is astounding!!they we all really sweet and helpful to us.
Once we felt we were settled, we went outside to have a granola bar and some water. Simple pleasures!Then we went to the waiting area where everyone was being seen by the doctors to determine if they were a surgical candidate or could be seen medically.The room was packed and outside the hospital there were people waiting to come in!!!
One man waited 12 hours last year and never got seen so I am happy to say that he was one of the first on our list for tomorrow!
THere were 5 rooms/docs seeing all the patients and 2 anesthesia screening for surgery. They did an amazing job and as long as they were fed and watered they pressed on!
The worship team did a great job keeping the kids entertained jumping rope and painting faces.They are praying
for and with these people daily and happy to be spreading the word of God!
Jan and ventured outside to sit in the shade for a bit and to talk to some of the locals. The children are adorable and really wanted to sit and talk to us and play simple games. We had a mean game of one potato 2 potato....going for a little while until John came and told
us we were leaving.They were sorry to see us go and told us they would miss us!! So cute!
Back to Tony's Inn for some cleanup and I heard they are serving balckened chicken tonite-YUM!
We start surgery tomorrow at about 8m and have about 15 cases! Cant wait!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hola! We made it! After a very long day of traveling we finally reached our destination. WE first were delayed a bit in Cincy to de-ice the plane and then we were off to Houston for our conecting flight. We only had about 18 minutes to board the next plane so we were racing on tram and foot to geth there. As we approached the gate we thought we were supposed to be at -we find they have changed it and and YeP you guessed it -it was all the way down the other way! But we got there in time and got right on the plane (they were waiting for us!)
After getting our bags we proceeded to get loaded into the vans (quite a long process) and off to lunch
We had some fish, very dry rice and beans, a small salad with no dressing and a mystery orange drink which I opted not to try.
It was something we all needed because the little muffins they gave us on the plane didnt quite hold us for very long. Then back in the vans for a very bumpy ride to Orange Walk Hospital about 45 minutes away. The drive there was pretty desolate in most places with occasional huts and small houses passing by. When we reached the twn there were stores etc but most looked very run-down.
We were greeted at OW hospital by Lupita (a retired nurse) who gave us a tour of the place. What an eye opener! All I can say is "We mare very blessed back home!"
They were doing surgery on someone so we werent able to see the OR's but kind of got the "lay of the land" to see what we were up against for tomorrow.
After that we had about a 30 minure dark ride to our hotel - Tony's Inn and we al cheered!!! It was about 8:00 (Cincy time) and we were all pretty exhausted!
They directed us to a ery nice outdoor dining area to eat. There was a wonderful breeze blowing and view of a dock going out into the water - but I dpont know what water it was! THere wa a full moom and it was all a welcome site!
So of course we all bellied up to the bar for a "refreshment"! The beer in town is called Bellikin and I was told it was very good! I opted for a cranbery vodka and it went down pretty smooth! We had a lovely diner of shrimp fajitas and then off to our rooms
The rooms were clean and adequate so we settled in and hit the sack! Cant wait for the adventure in the morning! Pictures to come soon!

Monday, January 25, 2010

This has definitely become a labor of love!!!! I am going to be taking a very old used laptop to update my blogs on but if it gets the job done then so be it!!! The spacebar doesnt work very well so Ihave to type slowly to make sure the spaces go where they are supposed to be!!! Hopefully it will work ok in Belize!! We leave very early thursday morning so I will try and post something that evening to let you know I've arrived!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

a new decade

Saturday, Jan 23 2010

Today starts my journey into a new decade of a more meaningful life! I will be going to Belize for a medical mission trip in 5 days and today is our "packing meeting" to get all our supplies ready. I am very excited to be going and seeing a different culture than mine back in Anderson township, Ohio and looking forward to helping those in need. I am very blessed in my life and want to "pay it forward" to those less fortunate than me and I am faithful that God will lead me in the right direction as to where I am to be in this new decade of my life.
Our journey is short - only a week of service but we will be doing surgeries on the local people that are not usually not available to them. It will be an adventure like nothing I have ever done before and I will be trying to add daily postings of my experiences in this adventure and those that are to come! Please stay tuned!