Sunday, January 31, 2010


We all have our strengths, our gifts from God. A lot of those gifts were tested and used today as we began doing what we were sent to do down here in Belize.
John's leadership and calming force among us is very comforting - knowing someone always "has your back"! Dana's ability to spread the Word and put it in practical terms for all of us to understand sets the tone for the day and Lynn's gift of voice soothes us!
We set out for the hospital after breakfast and devotions about 7:30. Not knowing what to expect we were all a little excited and anxious about what was to come. Let me just tell you - these old legs have not worked this many long hours in a long time but they somehow made it through! And of course I left my support socks in the van because I used them to plug up a hole in the van's vent that was broken to keep the artic cold air from blowing on me! haha
Our OR team consisted of Mary pat, myself, Dr Devore and Ann and the other team was Jan, Mona, Dr Welker and Dr helmick. We got the ball rolling with a cute little 15 mos old for PE tubes. As we left mom at the door, i thought it doesnt matter what country you are in - the love of mother and child knows no boundaries.
Things are very different (to say the least) doing surgery here and you definitely have to go with your gut and use whatever resources you have! Luckily most of our cases did not need optimum sterility and we did the best we could keeping a "clean" environment. We missed our blanket warmer though! the rooms are very cold and their was only about 4 blankets in the whole department! so we used those for the kids. We had to use OR linen drapes to cover the adults! The Beletian people are very stoic though and it didnt seem to phase them like it would us! They all walked into the ORs and only adults left on stretchers.....babies left in our arms.
Ann did an amazing job with anesthiesia, considering she had no gas monitors, just an oximeter, BP and sometimes the EKG even worked!!
Kevin Devore is making a documentary for film school so he was there filming as much as he could tolerate. Never seeing his dad work before he wasnt sure how his stomach would take it but he did very well. Renee Welker (docs daughter)was taking photos for the general blog and hung in there with us to the very end!!
Lupita had lunch for us - chicken tamales wrapped in plaintain leaves which were very spicy, some said they loved them but mine and John H's were full of bones! But the chocolate cake was a God send!!!
As the day went on we certainly go our rhythmn and things went well. The other team ended with a hemi-thyroidectomy and it was taxing for them to do it at the end of the day. The set up (back table etc) was like non I've ever seen since I started 30 years ago!
We left the hospital about 9:45pm! Ric D picked up a case of Belikin beer and YES I did drink a beer! It was a fun ride back - a van of 15 very tired people chatting about the day!
We got to Tony's Inn @ 10:30- they saved us dinner for those who wanted it - I opted for some delicious homemade vanilla ice cream - a quick check of email and into bed! I was exhausted! I know that rooster will be calling too soon tomorrow!

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