Friday, March 26, 2010

Coincidences or divine intervention?

Many times people have happenings in their lives that they chalk up to coincidences. I wonder if they aren't really messages from a higher place. This past week I have encountered small but enlightening moments that has made me feel the power of God's presence. You tell me....coincidence or divine intervention?

As I left bible study last week I was struggling for a message to send to my fellow women since I am the person who sends out the emails for prayer requests and usually add some kind of message or quote to stick with them through the week. I usually always get something through other emails or readings but this week nothing was coming. But a song kept getting into my head about being hungry for the Lord and I realized that we had been talking about the power of song to praise God so I figured I was to send this song out to the others which I did.
I also encountered a young man trying to collect funds for people struggling with addiction and how he was transformed a few years ago through the power of God and is now studying to become a nurse! Since that is my profession I figured he was sent to me for a reason! Of course I had to give him a donation which he was very grateful.
That weekend I went to a luncheon/study on Women of Faith and there was 3 women who sang a few songs to which none of them I recognized but wondered about. The second was one about ...
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path.
The jist of the speaker that day was to walk in faith 
and not in 
sight - to trust God in knowing that you 
make the plan but He directs your feet.
As I was driving home after that, I was listening to a 
book on 
tape from Amy Grant called "MOSAIC"
 (which by the way is a great read!) and at the end of 
one of her 
readings the music started to play and it 
was the same song - her song "Thy Word"! 
When I feel afraid, And think I’ve lost my way. Still, 
you’re there right beside me. Nothing will I fear As 
long as you are near; 
Please be near me to the end.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path.
I will not forget Your love for me and yet, My heart 
forever is 
wandering. Jesus by my guide, And hold me to your 
side, And I will love you to the end.
Coincidence or God's message to me to trust in Him and he 
will teach me???
As I always pray about my childrens lives - I was also directed 
to books that day to help me pray
 for them and the decisions they make and for God 
to help me put it in His hands and not to 
worry. A quote I heard was " Worrying is like sitting 
in a 
rocking dont get anywhere 
but it  gives you something to do!" How true! I will
 try not to 
waste my energy on worrying and
place it in God's hands!
If we open our hearts and minds to Jesus and spend some 
quiet moments trying to hear 
his voice - he will give us the message! It might not always be 
the one that we want to
hear though! That is where true faith comes in.....I 
am learning to hold my tongue unless it 
is requested and it eventually I am able to get my 
point across - even though it might not be at 
the moment I want! He will tell me the time! It is an 
challenge though..........

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